Surprise surprise, another windy week, with some CK virgins to whip into shape. Fab crew with plenty of laughs. Some phenomenal action on the water with lorry loads of progress. Special mention must go to Ant for proving that water doesn’t hurt, regardless of height or power in kite – mxfreestyle all the way. Kiwi took speedo kiting to new previously unseen levels. We had our first ever kiting commando (nothing to do with speedos), but we did get to see Nick bone it out. Alison nailed her nemesis the front loop, as did Kim. We had the girls going crazy for in flight entertainment, Suzanne, Oksana and Marije enjoyed joining the club – no jumping frogs and all 20m plus!! Maxine inverted her front roll, dark slid for miles and unhooked the raley. Brilliant stuff, all washed down with litres of fresh coconut:)