Metallicos de Paraguay…

Metallicos de Paraguay…
15th December 2016 C&K
In News


Metallicos and Metallica (la primera) BG 2016

Our annual “get together” with the wonderful Paraguayans (hopefully soon to be biennial). Guess we’d have to start with “contact”, taking the LB to another level. A picture is worth nothing without it, fact, so thanks July for coaching the group on this. This was a clinic full of the much anticipated picos, wipe outs, unbelievable moves, progress, laughs, wonderful gifts, early risers (no irony there:), aggressive fish and manteiga a techa, or as is now the way, beurre au plafond. A joyous clinic with so much happening on the water each day, including the epidemic spreading of whatever move someone nailed. Guys and girl, we miss you already. Big, huge abrazos