Yes we do coach in the UK – Weymouth & Portland Coaching

Yes we do coach in the UK – Weymouth & Portland Coaching
5th October 2018 C&K
In News

Had a great day’s coaching in Portland Harbour a couple of weeks back with the Weymouth and Portland Kitesurfing Club. Always a pleasure to visit, such a stunning location, beautiful views, friendly kiters and great food:) Forecast looked epic but alas the wind was a tad lighter than expected. However with the exceptional flat water and some larger kites it turned out to a big kite cracker. Lots going on, from better stances, first jumps, jumping higher, controlled landings, becoming equally smooth on both sides, air gybes, front rolls, double back rolls and extra flick on Raleys. And the sun shone throughout. Unfortunately a few had to leave early and miss the team photo. Thanks Julia, Dave, Craig, Ed, Richard, Jeremy, Henry and Greg for making it down, and of course a huge thanks to Martin and Alaric from the club for organising the day (and getting a few pics Martin:) We’ll be back for sure!

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