14th July 2017 C&K
In News

Hello Class:) More essential and exciting moves for you! Our opener is the Beach Start with a Front Rotation. We spend so much time learning moves to throw down once we’re on the water, why not have a few more to bridge the gap from beach to ocean? Following that it’s a classic transition from bygone times that should have you hollering with joy and any onlookers wondering what you just nailed. Once they work it out they’ll realise that it was in fact the rather fetching Toeside Nose (or thereabouts) Grab Front Loop Transition. And finishing things off we have a positively great bit of hooked in tomfoolery. As Freestyle moves on, the connection between kite and harness seems ever less important, but let’s remind you that it’s possible to dazzle even with your Donkey’s security pin firmly in place. Time to learn that Back from Blind. Enjoy the challenge. C&K.

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