The good times just kept rolling, and the wind certainly kept blowing. Another heady mix of nationalities, all with the same outlook – to have fun and kite loads whilst learning a thing or two on the way. Gian was getting the slide in the dark and some tasty backloops, with the odd successful kiteloop as well!!! Corina was not to be outdone so also added the back loop and some cheeky grabs. The family light shone brightly with Diego getting more height and much wanted control on his jumps, a cheeky grab and some lovely back loops, whilst Vega popped her backloops, floated her air gybes and nailed the dark slides… Lyndsey stormed through the week, and went from jumping, to air gybes, to fully tweaked boners, back loops and the front loop, that’s a good week’s work in anyone’s book! Bruce fully cracked his strapless, no more chance or luck involved, the bronco has been tamed. Beautiful cranking carves, twinkle toe gybes and the odd tt front loop thrown in to keep the crowd happy too. Kat was warming up with her surface passes, stylish grabs with plenty of air, solid upwind blind, 1 foots and the dark slide – this was only the beginning!!! Luke enjoyed adding some intention and control to his already stylish medley of tricks, getting plenty more altitude, downlooping out of his air gybes and backloops and having the dark slide now very much in the bag. And as for Steve, if ever there was a text book rooster, it has to be his, so everything was huge. Lovely nose grab back loops and proper dark slides with loops out, some quite chunky too:) Video debriefs were fairly raucous and the off water fun and games continued.