Langebaan 2016

Langebaan 2016
15th March 2016 C&K
In News


Langebaan 2016 – Better never late, but better late than never. Enough of the excuses. Top bunch, great time. Unusual weather, was so warm that the girls even kited in shorties off town beach!!! Go figure.. As always we were well looked after by Kathy and her crew, the food everywhere rocked, the wine flowed, as did the cocktails and even the Braaii (that should be 1 i but FB auto spell won’t allow it). However the wind still obliged, and although not howling as usual it was still plenty for some epic action and tomfoolery on and off the water. We even got to celebrate Jenny’s B-day, and guess what she got..? Hannah went from black cat wind jinx to fully qualified pilot. Corey styled the grabs and his ultra smooth toe side deserves a mention. Tom was whacking it left right and centre, big airs, big back loops and the new cheeky front loop. JC aka Pepe le Pew, was throwing down the freestyle and is so knocking on the door of the rally to blind… Miguelito’s pop tricks changed up a gear with a fine reverse banana and plenty of flick on the raleys. Jenny showed off her boners and got some serious air on the transitions. Sarah was showing off her strapless skills (that’s the surfboard not the tube top), whilst Ivan nailed the front loop and air gybes with panache. Uberto teased us with some wet tacks. Charlotte was also adding some air to her front loops and transitions, whilst Ollie evened up his sides with both rotations both ways. Not too long now and we’ll have the dates out for next year:)

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