Phenomenal second week:) Wind continued to pump throughout, 24/7 to be precise and fairly darn strong too. So much going on… Auntie Clare arrived with nephew, niece and brother. Boy did they put on a show, Nick, James and Emma – Moberly-tastic. Family backloops, big airs, easy grabs and stylish toe sides. The Kiwi contingent grew by one, or 2 if you count Deadpool! Turns out, according to Kim, Max and Cuzi Bro that Dark Slides are as treasured as the silver fern!! Marije got in on some of that action too along with a cheeky grab , but who’ll forget those back rolls??? Sean’s land based sliding is stuff of legend along with his rotations, whichever way, and the public cheeky boner. Keith proved that he can smile regardless of the situation, gust, altitude or spin. Rogero took to the air, styled out his toe side and renamed a corner. And Foxy has diversified into the canoe business. All in all another top drawer week with a wonderful bunch. Bring on 2019:)